Saturday, March 8, 2008

Blog Overview

Hello, and welcome to my blog page! This blog is devoted to the use of technology in today's classroom, which is a topic I am very passionate about. The whole concept of using technology in the classroom is a very broad topic; one that we could talk about for years to come. To narrow down our conversations, I want to focus more on the use of the internet in the classroom and how it affects all students differently, based on their socioeconomic status. This concept is often referred to as the "digital divide", meaning the technology gap that exists between students of different socioeconomic backgrounds. This area of focus is very important to anyone who teaches in a district where you have students from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds, such as the district where I teach. It's a fact about your students that you have to constantly think about, so that you can plan your assignments and projects around the fact that not everyone is on the same technological level. But what about the future of these students, who are on the down side of the technology gap? How will the lack of technology knowledge affect their years in high school and their future? What can we, as teachers, do about this? These are some questions I am looking forward to finding answers to. I hope you will enjoy this blog and choose to participate in the discussions that I'm sure will arise.

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